Year 3 Highlights 30.9.22
What a super week we have had in year 3.
The children have worked hard to continue to develop their learning of place value in maths. The children have used lots of apparatus and practical resources to help with our understanding.
We have also been exploring the 5 times tables in rockstars and will continue this next week.
In English, we have had a focus on grammar this week and linked it to the fable the lion and the mouse. We made some human sentences using our conjunctions 'and', 'for' and 'but'. Please do ask your children about what types words they have learned about this week!
Our reading skills have focused on inference (reading between the lines) and empathy - understanding what it might be like to be the lost thing and how he feels. The children came up with some super vocabulary words for this task.
Our geography lessons have focused on our upcoming trip to the Rec. We have focused on our enquiry question and are thinking about whether “Chandlers Ford is totally unique to the Solent region.”
We have also made sure that all the children have had a chance to log in and practise on google classroom.