Year 3 Weekly Highlights 16.6.23
It has been an incredibly hot week this week, but the children have coped so well!
We started the week by having our Careers afternoon where we were able to sit, listen and learn about the careers of parents within our school community. Both the adults and children all learnt something throughout the afternoon, and it was very inspiring. Thank you, Miss Chambers!
This week, we have started our new maths unit on shape and have started to look at different types of angles. The children have learnt about right angles, acute angles and obtuse angles whilst using their very own Pacman! Ask your child about these different types of angles!
We have also finished our writing unit on the book 'One Plastic Bag'. The children have all worked hard towards writing an advert poster to advertise a crocheted plastic bag which promotes reusing and recycling. They have all started to write up top copies of their adverts to show their beautiful handwriting skills.
Year 3 had another excellent session with Integr8 dance to learn different street dance skills. They have all started to learn a routine using different moves. Next week, we will add to our routine.
We hope you all stay as cool as possible this weekend!