Year 3 Weekly Highlights 8.9.23
Despite the hot weather, Year 3 have made a fantastic start to their junior school journey!
We have all been very impressed with how well they have come in through the gate in the mornings and settled into their classes.
We began our week with the launch of our ‘WE CARE’ learning values and the children have worked hard to embody these from organising their belongings to showing enthusiasm with their new learning and working together with their peers.
In English, we embarked on our new writing unit on The Barnabus Project, recapping nouns and adjectives before creating our own expanded noun phrases. We encountered some marvellous creatures, from the Rabturtle to the Butterphant and ended the week creating and describing our own hybrid creatures.
Meanwhile, in maths, all classes have made a great start to their Place Value learning, representing numbers to a hundred and using different resources to partition and prove their thinking.
Another highlight of this week has to be the children being immersed into our new science unit 'Magnets'. The children investigated which materials attracted a magnet and which materials did not. The teachers saw some excellent enquiry and curiosity with some super questions!
To end the week, we had the exciting experience of heading over to the Sports Centre for our dance sessions with Integr8 and looking forward to building up movement sequences in the coming weeks!
Following all their hard work this week, we wish everyone a very restful weekend, and we look forward to building on our learning together next week!
The Year 3 Team