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Year 3 Weekly Highlights 13.9.24

Year 3 have made a fantastic start to their junior school journey!

We have all been very impressed with how well they have come in through the gate in the mornings and settled into their classes.

Year 3 began the week with the launch of our ‘WE CARE’ learning values and the children have worked hard to embody these from organising their belongings to showing enthusiasm with their new learning and working together with their peers.

To kick start our new project - Are we part of something bigger than ourselves? The children have worked together to explore our first question - what makes you, you? They have explored their own identities and the different community groups they are part of. In Art, the children then explored the role of portraits to showcase our unique features and compared Rembrandt’s virtual gallery with our local portrait artist, Sally Gooden, who visited us in school and shared her colourful animal portraits.

In English, the children have written poems in the style of Roger McGough’s ‘The Writer of This Poem’. They drew on their own personal qualities and combined this with their simile and rhyme learning to create their own poem about themselves. Next week, we will delve into our first text - The Barnabus Project. Watch this space to find out more!

Meanwhile, in Maths, all classes have made a great start to their Place Value learning, representing numbers to a hundred and using different resources to partition and prove their thinking.

Finally, a big well done to all the children who shared their speeches for one of our pupil voice groups - you all blew us away with your ideas and thoughts!

We wish everyone a restful weekend,

The Year 3 Team

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