Year 3 Weekly Highlights 27.9.24
What another fabulous week we have had in Year 3!
In Reading, we have explored more of Alexander T. Wolf's side of the story in the twisted fairy tale 'The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs'. Each lesson, we have reflected on the question 'is the wolf an evil character?' and have been discussing the for and against arguments. Year 3 have been completely immersed in the book and have been eager to read more! We can't wait for next week when we finish the twisted fairy tale and start a new book!
In English, we have continued our learning on 'The Barnabus Project'. This week, we have focused on applying our knowledge of nouns, adjectives and verbs to write simple and compound sentences. Within our compound sentence learning, we have been working on understanding when to use the conjunctions 'and', 'but' and 'so' correctly.
In maths, we have brought our Place Value unit to an end by comparing and ordering numbers to 1,000. We have started our Addition and Subtraction unit and will continue this next week.
A highlight this week has been drafting our own portraits ready for our project outcome. We used our new skill, proportion, to have a go at sketching our own portrait. The children carefully thought about where they would place and sketch their facial features.
Please continue to keep reading at least 3 times a week, practising your spellings from Google Classroom in your little pink book and practising your times tables on TTRS!
We hope you all have a good weekend!
The Year 3 Team