Year 3 Weekly Highlights 17.01.25
We have had another great week in Year 3!
In reading, we have explored the Giant Panda and practised our skimming and scanning skills to answer questions. Today, we wrote our own non-fiction fact file about Giant Panda’s to summarise our understanding.
Today in Maths, we completed our multiplication and division unit. However, we will be continuing to work on our times tables and recapping our key ideas of multiplication and division as morning starters and through our fluency focus at the beginning of every lesson. This week, we have started our Length and Perimeter unit and understanding different units of measurement.
In Science, we recapped the ways we can classify animals into groups and the key features of each group from mammals and reptiles to amphibians and birds.
In English, we continued looking at the book, Greta and the Giants and practising our sentence construction skills to create simple, compound and complex sentences to describe.
Next week, we are looking forward to continuing our learning towards our curriculum project.
Have a great weekend!
The Year 3 Team.