Year 3 Weekly Highlights 24.1.25
We can't believe another week is over in Year 3!
This week in our English lessons, we have been exploring Greta Thunberg and a range of persuasive features in order to create our own letters to the Giants in character. We will be editing and publishing our writing next week.
In reading, we have practised our reading fluency, skimming and scanning, inference and summarising skills whilst learning about the Sumatran Elephants from Interview with a Panda. Did you know that Sumatran Elephants are poisoned to stop them from eating the farmers crops? We also practised our reading fluency whilst reading about the Nimba Toad.
In maths, we have continued our unit on length and perimeter. We have been comparing lengths, adding lengths and looking at equivalent lengths across millimetres, centimetres and metres.
As scientists, we were curious to unpick the vital organs and key bones in our bodies. We then questioned the role and function of our skeleton.
We ended the week with continuing our dance learning whilst being inspired by animals!
This weekend is the Big Garden Birdwatch weekend if you would like to continue inspiring your child about animals at home:
We wish everyone a restful weekend!
The Year 3 Team.