Year 4 Weekly Highlights 29.9.23
We've had another busy and exciting week in year 4!
Despite the technical setbacks we had for our parent information session on Monday, we were really happy to see lots of you there. It was great to be able to introduce ourselves and to answer your questions. We hope it was useful. If you were unable to attend or were affected by the technical difficulties while joining us remotely, please do take a look at the powerpoint on our website, and do check out the blog for regular updates.
The children have been really impressing us in class with their beautiful descriptive writing. We watched a short animation called 'The Dream Giver' to tie in with our BFG work. The children have used this as a stimulus to write a descriptive story, using ambitious choices of adjectives to paint a picture in the reader's mind. They will be sharing these stories with their buddy classes before the end of term.
We kicked off our first year 4 reading unit with a nice cup of tea! Yes - you read that correctly! The children found out about how tea is harvested in plantations in Sri Lanka and all had a good sniff of some freshly made tea. This has been to provide the children with background knowledge before we delve into our text: Cloud Tea Monkeys.
The classes all produced their Christmas card art this week for the annual HSPTA fundraiser. We hope you enjoy their elf pictures. The children certainly enjoyed creating them and we think they look really effective.
Next week begins with our first year four trip: a walk in Hocombe Mead. Please remember to send them in with walking shoes or boots and a coat.
Have a wonderful weekend,
The year four team