Year 4 Weekly Highlights 19.1.24
It has been another fantastic week in year 4. The children and adults alike have enjoyed following Marcy on her continued journey to find her father. We have used fronted adverbials to describe how, when and where Marcy made her way through the incredible flying ship captained by the sun god, Ra. Dusting herself off, she peered around the doorway and trying to stay hidden, she crept past the god Isis.
In maths, we have explored the 7 times table and realised that in practising all of our other tables, we already knew the sevens! We have used strategies such as using the 5x and 2x table to help with breaking the sevens down. Science has seen us explore taking care of our teeth and observing how different drinks can affect our teeth and, much to the excitement of many of the children, we have been honing our football skills.
Our computing lessons have seen us discussing respectful posting online, what a meme is and how people can feel as a result of posts. We have watched some very informative clips on BBC Own It about sharing, being considerate and seeking permission. We have also delved into PEGI ratings and there were a few surprises among the children's favourite games! We will be moving on to some programming to map out shapes, which the children are already looking forward to.
What's in store next week? A plethora of opportunities! We can't wait to share them with you.