Year 4 Weekly Highlights 26.01.24
This week, Year 4 have wowed us with some incredible writing detailing how Marcy finds her courage to defeat the evil snake and rescue her father. Their enthusiasm for this unit has been boundless and we have very much enjoyed reading their super stories. In maths, we have finished exploring patterns and strategies for the times tables. Thank you so much to all those who continue to support their children to practise these - we are seeing so much progress. Now we move onto applying those skills. This week that has included the use of factors and next week we will be investigating division with remainders and multiplying and dividing by powers of 10.
In other topics, we have been exploring the features of ancient civilisations and the role of saliva in digestion. You would not believe how excited the children were to eat a small piece of cracker in their science lesson this week! We are also investigating sacred places in preparation for our visit to the Hindu temple next week. Our computing lessons have seen us debugging our code to write letters using Logo. As you can see from the photos, with much perseverance we did achieve this! Finally, there are some super photos of 4S who have completed their latest design technology challenge of creating a pneumatic dragon. The rest of year 4 have this still to look forward to.
Wishing everyone a restful weekend with maybe even some sunshine,
The Year 4 team