Year 4 Weekly Highlights 13.9.24
The Year 4 children have delighted the teachers with their enthusiasm for learning and excitement for the topics this week. After listening to the opening chapter and watching a film clip from the BFG, the children have written a descriptive recount of their first encounter with the tall, dark, sinister character as he slinks down the street. In science, the children have applied their knowledge on dissolving to investigate which substances dissolve and what it looks like with careful observations. Games lessons began this week, with a fun activity where the children had to model positions from their favourite sport before teaching their partner the correct shape to enable them to be successful with the skill in specific sports. In maths, the children have revised their knowledge of place value with lessons using the concrete resources to round numbers, to estimate, and know the value of the digits. Geography, RE and PE have the theme of trees, which links beautifully to our new class names. The children have already used leaves from their trees to make bookmarks, class posters and wonderful displays. We are already super proud of how well the children have settled and are looking forward to the year ahead.