Year 4 Weekly Highlights 20.9.24
We have continued to be so impressed by the way Year 4 are settling in and their wonderful attitude to learning. This week we have further explored the BFG, ready to write our wanted posters for the evil kidnapper. In art lessons this week, we have looked at the illustrations of Quentin Blake and had a go at 'Willy Wonka'. Next week we will then be ready to draw the BFG for our posters In maths, our exploration of 4 digit numbers is ongoing with experience of partitioning. Concrete apparatus has really helped the children to visualise these larger numbers. Our learning about national parks has continued with the children fascinated to learn about Yosemite, although disappointed to learn we couldn't manage a trip there! You will also see some photos of the children RE learning, about how trees can be used as a symbol.
Finally, thank you for your support with the homework. It was very pleasing to see so many children making a super start with this. If you need any further support with accessing Google Classroom or Times Tables Rock Stars please do ask.