Year 4 Weekly Highlights 27.9.24
What an exciting week it has been in Year 4 Land this week!
It was wonderful to see so many parents at our information meeting on Wednesday - thanks for coming or joining online. Hopefully you felt it was a useful insight into our curriculum with a bit of useful housekeeping at the same time.
It has been wonderful seeing the children grow in confidence with their rounding in Maths - they have been rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 and have started to mix it up and round to all 3 - we have realised that reading the question is particularly important for this!
Year 4 children have discovered this week that The BFG had helpers to deliver the millions of dreams to children all over the world and have learnt of The Dream Giver - we have all been choosing exciting and powerful vocabulary to really engage our readers. Being precise with their word choices has really helped them to start to make effective plans to retell the story - more on this next week!
It's been super seeing all the children dressed in various shades of green to support the amazing charity, Macmillan - thanks for all your donations. It's not too late so please do support this fantastic charity if you have not already done so as cancer affects so many families across our community.
Polite reminders - please help to make sure your child is confident with their 2/5/10 times tables as we will be moving towards 3s and 4s in the next couple of weeks. And please make sure you send your child in wearing a waterproof coat as the weather is so changeable currently and it's not nice for them to be sitting in class in wet clothes.