Year 4 Weekly Highlights 4.10.24
The weeks in year 4 are flying by and we have had another week of fantastic learning.
After building up their recount writing skills and creating a police appeal for the BFG, the children have since applied these skills to recount a similar story where an intriguing character, the 'Dream Giver', sneaks around in the night to give children their dreams.
In maths, we have been working on negative numbers and it was fascinating to realise where we have seen negative numbers in real life. As the seasons draw in, I wonder when we will see our first negative number on the weather forecast?
Computing has seen us begin to understand what a network is with us creating and acting out a human network. The children's minds were blown when they realised the distance and speed at which information requests between networks are sent and received. Every year somebody mishears 'router' for 'rooster' which adds a memorable layer to the delivery of messages!
It was Sycamore class' turn to create their symbol sculptures outside using natural materials. Our understanding of what trees mean to different people deepens each year and I think our class names have added to this appreciation even more.