Year 4 Weekly Highlights 18.10.24
Along with a lot of hard work this week, Year 4 have been celebrating achieving turning their TTRS heat maps green. Well done to those children for working so hard to learn your tables.
In science, we have continued our work on using a range of methods to separate materials with filtering. a method earlier in the week, and evaporation to separate salt from water, a method the children investigated today. In maths, the children have begun to get their teeth into addition and subtraction by initially adding 1, 10, 100 and a 1000 to any number. They have identified which digits change and practised exchanging when crossing a boundary. Today the children investigated efficient mental methods by adjusting and by the end of the week, we will be looking at written methods for addition. Using the story of Jack and the Beanstalk in English, the children have planned their parody of this popular fairy tale by twisting the character of the giant into a good chap. Although Jack has to first help the giant to be kind by spotting what is making him grumpy.
We are all looking forward to meeting you next week and sharing how these wonderful children have settled in Year 4. We hope you enjoy looking at their achievements in their books already.
See you next Monday or Wednesday.
Year 4 Team