Year 4 Weekly Highlights 22.11.24
Dear parents and carers,
It's been another exciting week in year 4 (and that's aside from the snow on Thursday!).
As part of our project 'Do We All Have A Voice?', we have been writing speeches from the viewpoint of Rosa Parks, calling on members of the public to join the bus boycott. The children have shown an excellent understanding and empathy towards the injustice that Rosa and other Black people encountered in the USA and have written with great enthusiasm and feeling. They've worked hard to include the key skills of rhetorical questions and powerful imperative verbs to help make their writing persuasive.
In dance, we are working towards a class dance inspired by the story 'Small Things' by Mel Tregonning. This week, the children all learnt motifs that link with the different emotions that the boy in the story experiences. They did an excellent job of learning each movement, portraying the appropriate feelings and keeping in time with the music. We are looking forward to sharing our finished dances with you at the end of the term.
One of the questions that we are focusing on in our project is 'how can we hear the voices of the past?'. This week we kicked off our history unit on Ancient Egypt with a very exciting hook lesson. While the 'Indiana Jones' theme tune played, the children took it in turns to venture, in the dark, into Tutankhamun's tomb. They had nothing but their courage and a small torch to aid them. It was worth the peril, however, as (like Howard Carter himself) they found objects of great beauty and value. They are now all looking forward to discovering more next week!
Have a great weekend,
The Year 4 Team