Year 4 Weekly Highlights 17.01.25
We are still waiting for the sprinkle of snow which is yet to arrive and already we are at the tail end of week two of the spring term. The children have continued to embrace their learning showing enthusiasm and a strong desire to achieve their best. This is especially evident in their Times Table Rock Stars results which continue to improve with more children going green and increasing their scores. As we work our way through our maths unit on multiplication, it really helps the children when they know their times tables and each step in progress no matter how small definitely builds their confidence. Next week we will look at multiplying 3 numbers and exploring factors. In English, we are continuing our work based on the book Fox and the deep sea quest. This week we have looked at converting sentences from present tense to past tense and collected vocabulary to describe an underwater sea scene. This is ready to write a recount of their own deep sea dive and the discovery of a unique species of turtle. Harklights is our new reading text and the children have already formed strong opinions on the character of Old Ma Bogey and are sympathetic to the plight of Wick and his friends. This week the children went to the library and renewed their books with some great choices. Please listen and discuss what your child is reading to support them and encourage them to feel both confident and excited about reading. If you would like further help with selecting books, both your child's teacher and Mrs Thomas in the library would be delighted to make recommendations. This week in foundation topics, the children have begun their landscape painting inspired by Friedrick Hundertwasser with buildings in his style. In History, the children have wrapped up their Ancient Egyptian topic with a computer based quiz on the River Nile. Best wishes for a super weekend. Y4 Team.