Year 4 Weekly Highlights 24.1.25
Year 4 have had a great week this week! Our new Science topic on plants and reproduction has engaged the children brilliantly as they have explored and learned both names and functions of the individual parts of plants. Our classrooms have been cheered up no end with the bright yellow of daffodils and as Maude from Birch also noted, this morning, the blossoms are also starting to become visible on the trees. Spring is - hopefully!! - on its way!
The children have written some beautiful descriptive recounts based on the story of Fox and the Deep Sea Quest. We have had stunning phrases such as 'colossal shoals of vibrant fish' and 'microscopic fish darted around my feet' as they have explored prepositions as well as descriptive language. It has been a pleasure to read their work.
In maths we have been learning about factors and starting to understand how we can use factors of numbers to help us multiply more tricky numbers. Eg, if we do not know 7 x 8, we can choose some factors of 8 (4 and 2) and, instead, multiply 7 x 4 x 2. We can use this method for higher numbers too. Children have used counters and drawn arrays in their books to support them in developing this understanding.
In RE we have started our topic on Humanism and have been creating posters of The Golden Rule -one which the children are already very familiar with as we use it every day and have been for years: Treat Others As You Would Like To Be Treated. It certainly is a good philosophy for all relationships. As we reflect on this, we wish you all a very happy and safe weekend.
Thanks for your support,
The Year 4 Team