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Year 5 Weekly Highlights 23.6.23

This week as part of our History unit we studied James I. The children's task was to write  a blog about what they discovered about James I. 

Here is a blog, Anton wrote: Today, Year 5 learnt about King James I, so who was he? He was the first monarch of England and Scotland! He reigned in the early 17th century. If you didn't know all that, you do now! He was also the reigning King during the famous gunpowder plot with Guy Fawkes, but was the plot true? There was a tunnel that was built under parliament ,but it failed. Looking back, there is zero evidence of this so-called tunnel. And it is also fishy how somehow, at the perfect timing, there was a basement under the basement that was TO LET. Many historians have theorized that this was all staged to make King James look powerful. Was Guy Fawkes and her crew innocent? But how would we know for sure? We don't! There is plenty of evidence either side of the argument. 

  • JamesIEngland
