Year 6 Highlights 25.3.22
One of the main highlights this week was starting our new music unit focusing on the music of Glen Miller. Children were clearly ‘In the Mood’ after listening to several of his pieces and the learning more about the King of Swing. They then went to begin to plan their own composition, singing and performing their own version of ‘Hey Mister Miller’. Earlier in the week, we moved on with our dodgeball unit in games focusing on the key skill of throwing and catching with accuracy, playing a series of team games and relays to improve both of those skills. Other highlights this week include immersing ourselves in the courtroom style of debate within the context of The Highwayman, writing a balanced argument – who was most to blame for the death of Bess? The children looked at the evidence for each of the three main suspects and wrote reasons for and against each of them in a cohesive structure. Meanwhile, in science this week, the children began to plan an investigation: what affects our heart rate? Next time they will be investigating this question in groups looking to see what can cause our heart rate to slow down and equally to increase. Our own heart rates have continued to increase at times this week whilst completing the Golden Mile.