Year 6 Weekly Highlights 10.3.23
This week in Year 6:
This week was our mock SATs which we did, as if it were the real thing. The tests we did were Maths: arithmetic, two maths reasoning papers, SPaG and reading comprehension
In English, we continued to write our narrative of the Spider and the Fly. We first generated vocabulary to describe the characters of the spider and fly. Our challenge was then to write the ending.
In Maths, we still worked on improper and mixed number fractions, looking to convert fractions so that it has the same denominator in order to subtract and add fractions. Next week we will be learning to multiply fractions.
To finish the week, we started our art unit looking at Nepalese landscapes. After exploring the style of some different artists, we enjoyed creating a plethora of shades of blue before exploring some shading techniques.
Have a lovely weekend,