Year 6 Weekly Highlights 15.9.23
Year 6 have continued to settle into the new routines and responsibilities. The year 6 team were very impressed this week with all the speeches the children wrote for their House captain and pupil voice speeches. We were blown away with their enthusiasm, persuasive devices and unique presentation styles.
Year 6 have enjoyed continuing their exploration of Fantastic Beasts and where to find them. In their English unit, they have generated lots of fantastic descriptive vocabulary, culminating in some excellent first person narrative outcomes. They have impressed us with their determination to include the success criteria and edit effectively to improve their ideas.
Maths has challenged the children's thinking this week, introducing them to numbers with three decimal places and developing their ability to reason why we round numbers and what different place value columns represent.
During our geography lessons this week, year 6 represented plate movement with Oreo biscuits. This was a great way to see how plate movements cause volcanoes and earthquakes. Using their creativity skills, the classes have composed dance routines in PE to express the power and destructive nature of volcanic eruptions and in Art they have been during pictures of some of the Fantastic beasts.
Next week we have our Harry Potter trips which will be inspiring our next writing outcomes. On google classroom there is a social story for the children to read which tells them a little more detail about the day. It will be a busy week next week so hope the weekend is full of plenty of rest!
Have a lovely weekend.
Year 6 team.