Year 6 Weekly Highlights 4.10.24
This week we have continued to immerse ourselves in our project, beginning with exploring the adversity experienced through earthquakes in Haiti and Christchurch. We've been asking if adversity is experienced the same by everyone and why there were more deaths from the earthquake in Haiti than in Christchurch. As geographers, we have really challenged ourselves to analyse various sources and what they tell us.
In reading, we've continued to enjoy our text 'Safiyyah's War' and everyone was very excited to immerse themselves in becoming Safiyyah this week, writing a reply letter back to her friend Isabelle. We used skills of summarising to draw out the key events which have happened since Isabelle left and inference to consider the way these situations made Safiyyah feel. As you can see from the photos, we produced some fabulous letters!
PDL has seen us questioning what it means to be strong and how mental resilience is something each of us can continue to develop. We've explored things that are strong and how strength can come in all different forms. Some great discussions were had and we have applied this back into our reading text to unpick where examples of strength and resilience were seen in the story.