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Music Lessons

We are very proud to offer such a wide variety of instrument choices at Hiltingbury Junior School, as we recognise the many benefits that a musical education brings. Teachers will work with their pupils to ensure they understand how to practise effectively, and they will communicate which pieces and skills need to be worked on each week. If your child does take up music lessons with us, we hope that they enjoy their musical journey!

For pupils in Years 3 to 6 we offer Recorder, Woodwind, Guitar, Bowed Strings and Piano lessons.  Lessons take place during school time so your child will either be withdrawn from the classroom or miss part of their break or lunchtime to have their tuition.

Music lessons for Academic year 2024-25 are currently fully subscribed but if your child wishes to be added to the waiting list, please email the school office ( with your child's name, class and the instrument they are interested in.

If your child wishes to take up lessons, you will need to provide an instrument.  These can be rented or purchased from music shops who can give details on cost.  We continue to participate in the Assisted Purchase Scheme which means that selected instruments can be purchased through the school VAT free.  Once your child has a confirmed place, if you are interested in the scheme please follow the link below where you will find instructions.  For piano/keyboard lessons please note you would need to have your own piano/keyboard at home for practice between lessons; the Assisted Purchase Scheme does not apply as the instrument is not being carried to and used in school.*

Assisted Instrument Purchase Scheme

A firm commitment is needed for the lessons as you undertake to have tuition for the whole academic year. Payment is required in advance as we need to set up a contract for the relevant teaching staff and unfortunately refunds cannot be given if your child misses a lesson due to absence.  You will be asked to sign a Tuition Agreement form which sets out the terms and conditions of the lessons.  The cost for the year for 2024-25 is £100 for recorders and £270 for all other instruments, which will cover a minimum of 30 lessons.  This price also covers a practice diary in which your child can record the pieces/skills they are working on and their number of practise sessions each week. Any pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium can utilise this funding for music lessons.

We endeavour to ensure all children are able to take up the instrument of their choice but as music lessons are very popular, where we are over-subscribed we will pick children at random and then allocate second choice instrument if possible.  If we are unable a place then your child will be placed on a waiting list.

As we endeavour to accommodate as many children as possible, we unfortunately cannot offer places for children to learn more than one instrument.

If you accept an offer to learn an instrument it is extremely unlikely that your child will be able to learn to play an alternative instrument during their time at Hiltingbury Junior School.  

Yours sincerely,

Eve Nurdin
Music Subject Leader

* Children learning the piano or keyboard use a school instrument