Our School Governors
Hiltingbury Junior School Governing body is made up of representatives from staff, the local authority, parents and members of the community. Our diverse backgrounds give us a wide range of experience and views, enabling us to make informed decisions about the school collectively. We welcome and value feedback from parents so please do come and speak to us at school events or, we can be contacted via the school office. More information is available along with a list of current governors. Click the link here to go to our Governor page.
If you are interested in becoming a governor at Hiltingbury Junior School please contact the Chair of Governors, Simon Haynes, via adminoffice@hiltingbury-jun.hants.sch.uk
Our Aproach
The Hiltingbury Governors, in partnership with the Headteacher, provide effective strategic leadership and strive for excellence across the whole spectrum of school life. We are committed to providing the best experience for all our pupils enabling them to learn effectively and achieve high standards across a relevant and rich curriculum. The day-to-day running of the school is the responsibility of the Headteacher and staff who create a rewarding, enjoyable and safe learning experience.
Our approach is one of commitment, honesty and openness in the performance of our duties. We pride ourselves in the integrity of our members and our balance of rigorous holding to account with positive support.
Governor Meetings
We meet every half term as a full Governing Body and have two main sub committees. These are the Resources Committee, responsible for financial aspects of the school, and the Curriculum and Standards Committee whose purpose is to focus on curriculum provision along with pupil progress and attainment. There is also a Pay Committee and a Headteacher Performance Committee.
Individually, governors may also have specific responsibility for a subject or priority within the school, and will attend meetings for that area as needed. These visits are a valuable opportunity for Governors to work closely with staff members to gain a deeper understanding of some of the initiatives used in school to improve and sustain progress. All Governors receive a full induction and further training relevant to their committee membership and specific link area. Training is provided by Hampshire Governor Services.