At Hiltingbury Junior School, we are committed to the safety and happiness of all our pupils. Our ethos is that ‘Safeguarding children and young people is everyone’s responsibility.’
We all work together to achieve this through;
- Being fully committed to ensuring that consistent effective safeguarding procedures are in place to support children, families and staff at school.
- Ensuring that all staff receive appropriate training, guidance and support to undertake the effective safeguarding of children.
Please come to talk to a member of staff at anytime if you have any concerns about the welfare of our children. We can also support you with advice and guidance safeguarding, including E-safety.
The Designated Safeguarding Leads are:
Zoe Loosemore, Headteacher and Vikki Batten, School Business Manager –
The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leader is:
Charlotte Hartley, Deputy Headteacher