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Structure of the day

Our School day structure

Pupils must arrive in school by 8.40am on each school day. The designated year group school gates will open at 8.40am and the register will be taken at 8.50am.

Children arriving after 8.50am will be marked as late.

If you arrive late for school the entry gates will be locked, so bring your child to the school office to sign them in. If you arrive after 9.15am your child will be recorded as an unauthorised absence for the morning session. 

Registration for the afternoon will be taken at 1pm.

Finish time 3.20pm - All year groups finish at 3.20pm through their designated gate

The length of the school day, including break times, is 6hours and 40minutes. This meets the DfE regulations of a 32.5 hour week.

Gate entry and exit points:
Year group Entrance gate Exit gate
3 3 2
4 2 6
5 2 6
6 6 3


Key to our school gates
Gate Number Location
1 Main blue gate - Main school entrance
2 Side hall - turn right on entering the school grounds, following the path
3 Garden gate - Next to the school garden and Yr3 classrooms
4 Field gate - Double gates at the bottom of the school field
5 Office gate - Next to the school office
6 Double blue gates - Top of the school playground


Morning break time : 10.30am - 10.45am

Lunch time : 12 - 1pm

Breakfast club begins at 8am. After school club runs from 3.20pm - 6pm

To book your place please visit our Before & After School Club page under Bookings.