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Young Leaders

Young Leaders have an important role at Hiltingbury Junior School. We represent the voices of all pupils from year 3 to year 6 and meet regularly with Miss Chambers to discuss school improvement issues, make decisions and drive forward positive changes.

The election of Young Leader members reflects our British electoral system and demonstrates democracy in action: candidates make speeches, we consider qualities important for an elected representative and we then have the opportunity to vote for who we would like to be elected.  

Some of our key responsibilities include:

  • Taking a lead on our School Curriculum;
  • Promoting our Hiltingbury Learner skills and encouraging pupils and teachers to continue to develop these;
  • Driving improvements linked to our whole school priorities;
  • Leading themed weeks and assemblies;
  • Leading our work on Anti-bullying;
  • Organising our whole school careers afternoon.

Some of our biggest achievements in the last year have been to carry out a whole school survey exploring behaviour and safety and we then produced a video to share our findings. This helped us decide on our key priorities for the year ahead.

In November each year, we are proud to lead Anti-bullying week in school. We work hard to help all children in our school understand what bullying is, what actions to take if they spot it happening and how to promote our community value of Kindness too. This year's Anti-Bullying week on the theme of 'Reach Out' was a huge success and we enjoyed collaborating with the Wellbeing Ambassadors, joining together in the Wellbeing Hub at breaktimes and lunchtimes as a place for everyone to 'Reach Out' if they need to.

A project we are working on this year is to carry out learning reviews in classes. Together, we have designed a template which helps us focus on what we see in classes and what it tells us and we share our feedback with governors, children and teachers. This term we have been driving our whole school focus on Working Together and we have visited classes, developed targets for everyone to work on, shared these messages in assemblies and evaluated our progress against these targets. We are looking forward to driving the same progress with our next learning value (Ambition) in the Spring Term. 

The views of all pupils in the school are really important to us and we have a post-box in our School Office where anyone can add their suggestions or ideas.

Being a Young Leader is something we take very seriously and we are proud of the difference we are making for our peers.